1. Cauliflower
It’s one of those foods that requires a lot of chewing – and that’s a good thing for your teeth. The longer it takes to break down your food, the more saliva you produce. And saliva is a natural cleanser for your teeth to keep them shining bright.
2. Strawberries
These fruits may be a dark color, but they’re also packed with an enzyme known as malic acid, which naturally makes teeth whiter.
3. Cheese
Your mother told you to drink your milk for strong bones and a sparkling white smile. And she was correct. Dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt and milk, contain lactic acid and the enamel-fortifying mineral calcium, which strengthen teeth while also whitening them. Chewing on cheese also prompts production of saliva, which washes away staining food particles.
4. Apples
This fruit requires a lot of chewing to eat, similar to crunchy carrots, and that’s a good, cleansing exercise for your mouth. The natural scrubbing action washes particles from the teeth and keeps them white.
5. Celery
Fibrous fruits and veggies are not just low in calories and nutrient-rich, the chewy foods also keep teeth white and gum tissue healthy.